The Mobility House to provide charging management for Austrian Post’s EV fleet

Austria’s postal service has selected The Mobility House to support its rapidly-growing EV fleet with intelligent charging. The agency, which aims to eliminate its delivery emissions by 2030, will deploy The Mobility House’s ChargePilot Charging and Energy Management solution across some 2,400 AC and DC charging stations in 130 depot locations.

Austrian Post’s EV fleet, said to be Austria’s largest, currently serves about 80 percent of postal delivery districts throughout the country. The ChargePilot system will enable the agency to automatically take advantage of lower electricity pricing and ensure cost-optimized charging across its fleet. ChargePilot also quickly identifies potential failures across the charging network, allowing for preventive maintenance.

At some charging sites, ChargePilot will manage as many as 70 individual charging stations. “With such large installations built on both AC and DC charging stations from different manufacturers, you need a system that is compatible with all these components,” said The Mobility House’s US Managing Director Greg Hintler. “An open interface architecture is therefore the linchpin for meeting the various requirements and making flexible expansion possible.”

The Mobility House says its ChargePilot system is now in daily use by postal and logistics service providers in Europe, electric bus fleets in the US, and over 300 companies in a wide range of industries. The solution is designed to be compatible with all charging stations, enabling simple and quick adoption across any fleet.

“Austrian Post has been using electric delivery vehicles in daily delivery operations since 2011,” says Austrian Post’s Head of Group Fleet Paul Janacek. “Since then, the battery-electric drive has proven to be optimal for us. Therefore, it is our goal to further expand this pioneering role and to be emission-free on the last mile by 2030 at the latest. This requires a technically up-to-date and scalable charging management system. We have found ChargePilot and are looking forward to the further expansion of our e-fleet.”

Source: The Mobility House


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