Weekly Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) Bulletin- June 22

Source: Washington Department of Commerce, June 22, 2020

Commerce’s upcoming June 24 workshop

Commerce’s June 24 workshop will focus on the following draft rule language:

  • 194- 40-040 – Compliance reporting for the greenhouse gas (GHG) Neutral Standard.
  • 194-40-050 – Submission of clean energy implementation plan.
  • 194-40-330 – Methodologies for energy efficiency and demand response resources.
  • 194-40-340 – Acquisition of new resources other than renewable resources and energy storage.

The draft rule language can be found here. Meeting materials will be posted on the CETA rulemaking webpage prior to the workshop.

Commerce developing tool to collect energy assistance program data pursuant to 19.405.120(3) RCW

Commerce has convened a technical advisory group (TAG) to support agency work on low income energy assistance program data collection. The TAG will support development of a tool to collect utility program data as required by 19.405.120(3)(b) RCW. A full scope of TAG work can be found on Commerce’s CETA rulemaking webpage. The tool will be beta tested amongst utility TAG members in the next month and data collection will start July 31 and remain open until November. If you have questions about this process or the data tool, please contact Sarah Vorpahl at sarah.vorpahl@commerce.wa.gov.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Details on these events are available on the CETA rulemaking webpage.

June 24WorkshopReporting and compliance draft rule language (040, 050, 330, 340)
July 2WorkshopTBD
July 14WorkshopTBD
July 31Data collectionUtility data collection starts
Sept. 2WorkshopStreamlining EIA and CETA implementation