Human society is often reactive. It is one of those traits which has made us survive for centuries. The question of environment and sustainability is new if you compare it to the astronomical clock. Primitive humans hardly knew about environmental concerns. They settled near the water bodies and used tools that had minimal effect on the environment around us. Then comes the age of industrialization. The factories and automobiles around us became very popular. The economic boom increased the quality of life of many civilizations across the globe. It led to the creation of a term called carbon footprint. The carbon footprint has a vast say in the modern world. The carbon footprint indicates the number of greenhouse gases a product releases. When present in an amount more than the limit, it can raise the temperature of the area. The term global warming is due to the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth. A study by the World Meteorological Organization shows that the amount of greenhouse gases has tripled in the last century. The most prominent gas is Carbon-dioxide, which traps the heat inside. It is no wonder that humans started to connect the daily things they use with their carbon footprint. The most famous one these days is weed. Weed is a form of marijuana that originates from the Cannabis plants. A study by Statista shows that more than 25% of adults consumed marijuana in the United States of America. The figures are for the year 2019, which makes them even more effective. 2019 is pre-pandemic, indicating the figure might have doubled in the pandemic times. The states like Colorado, District of Columbia have the most consumers of weed. Marijuana can be handy for recreational and medical purposes as well. The weed market is vast and includes many types of products. The figures are for the year 2019, which makes them even more effective. 2019 is pre-pandemic, indicating the figure might have doubled in the pandemic times. The states like Colorado, District of Columbia have the most consumers of weed. Marijuana can be handy for recreational and medical purposes as well. The weed market is vast and includes many types of products.

What Makes Weed So Popular?

Modern times are full of tough days. The coronavirus pandemic came at the end of 2019. It all started with the country of China and spread across the world. The economic loss and personal loss were huge in many countries. Some countries like the United States of America took a hard hit. There were multiple waves, causing severe personal losses. The number of deaths was more than 5,50,000 due to covid and other conditions because of it. Coronavirus also caused job losses across all sectors in the last couple of years. All of it cumulates and causes anxiety. People seek to look for alternatives, and the famous option seems to be chemically-based products. They do have risks and may cause severe long/short-term side effects. The other option is the Weed Delivery, which seems to be organic and widely available. Weed seems to be the favorite option of growing adults because it is a way to relax from the hustle-bustle of daily life. It offers a readily available alternative, which can induce a feeling of trance in the user. Weed also does not have any severe side effects on the consumer. It is another benefit, making weed the famous choice. The following pointers will walk you through the effect of weed on the environment around us-

Sustainable in Nature

Weed comes from the marijuana plant. It is also known as cannabis in many countries. The extract in weed originates from the leaves of the marijuana plant. The process of extraction is artificial, which makes the quality consistent. The plant requires less maintenance and less water. It makes the plant eco-friendly and sustainable to the environment. Using techniques that save water further can enhance the popularity of the marijuana plant. The plantations of weed are famous for being productive and efficient. The techniques maximize production and take care of the environment around them. More production leads to less use of chemical fertilizer, further helping the environment. Other greenhouse techniques like pipe irrigation further minimize water use in weed plantations. The current circumstances make it critical to preserve water, as the levels in many cities are down the deep end. Specialists suggest that weed can be the perfect choice for plantation owners to balance between environment and profits. The popularity of weed ensures that the crop is sold without any hassle and at a fair price.

Controls Temperature

The rising temperature around us is a worry for many. The temperature in cities further increases due to the number of buildings in the vicinity. The study finds that weed plantation has control over the temperature of the area it is around. Many surveys find a decrease in temperature due to the weed plantations around the vicinity. Further, for the growth of weeds, warm weather is more suitable. It can help maintain the temperature of the area in the greenhouse and help the workers around it at the same time. There are some severe effects on the environment from weed plantation too, they include: Air pollution is the worry of the planet. The condition is getting worse in many countries globally. Studies show that the industries and automobiles around us contribute the most to the air pollution in the area. The most dangerous gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur come from many daily activities of humans. The same is a fact for plantation activities as well.  The burning and plantation of weed can also contribute to air pollution. The activities like sowing and yielding the crop produces gases that pollute the atmosphere of the area. Consuming weed through various methods also produces fumes. The fumes from weed in closed spaces can also cause uneasiness to the individuals in the vicinity. It also pollutes the environment of the area. Specialists recommend using weed in open spaces, which stops the fumes from harming the consumer.


Weed is a unique way of relieving the stress from the mind of an individual. The medicinal benefits are there for everyone to see. It can decrease stress, depressive episodes, and anxiety in the consumer. Weed also improves the daily diet of the consumer. Consuming weed in controlled quantities can improve the lifestyle of the consumer. Weed also is the most eco-friendly alternative in the market. The chemical-based products form in large industries, which harm the environment on a large scale. The chemicals from them affect the soil, water, and air around them. There are also several cases of individuals developing complications nearby the industries which produce chemically-based products. Weed is organic, and visiting your doctor is always the key. They will help you with a detailed plan of doses. As more effective techniques come into existence, weed plantation and consumption will be more eco-friendly. Author: Kaitlin Justice

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