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Circular Economy

Designing Better Products with Biomimicry

September 10, 2020

How are four new companies using biomimicry to design more efficient, sustainable and circular products, disrupting some of the world’s biggest industries?

A perfectly circular system — one without waste, non-renewable inputs or inefficiencies — already exists in nature. Of course, it’s not that simple for humans. With capital flows on top of material flows, industry on top of ecosystems, our system isn’t quite as perfectly designed. But why start a design from scratch when you can learn from the 3.8 billion years of evolution that have taken place on Earth? Biomimicry, the practice of looking to nature for inspired ideas, can speed up the circular design process by borrowing from the elegance and efficiency of nature to solve complex human problems.

Four new companies are embracing biomimicry to disrupt some of the world’s biggest industries including fashion, sanitation and construction. These startups share a snapshot of their work, showing how nature-inspired design led them to create inherently more sustainable and circular products. By the end of this session, designers and non-designers alike will be Asking Nature how to accelerate the design process for circular products.


  • Jared Yarnall-Schane, Entrepreneurship Director, Biomimicry Institute 
  • Birgitt Boschitsch, Co-founder & CEO, spotLESS Materials
  • Ryan Pearson, Co-Founder & COO, Cypris Materials
  • Theanne Schiros, Co-Founder, CSO, Werewool
  • Diana Yusef, Co-Founder and CEO, change:WATER Labs