Dust mites are among the most hated tiny creatures among persons allergic to them. While they are not extremely hazardous, their dead body parts and feces generate various health issues. These symptoms vary from breathing difficulty to nasal congestion, coughing, and itching.

There are various established techniques for fighting dust mites. Some of these treatments utilize chemicals, while others are significantly more eco-friendly and effective. If you are preoccupied with natural living, the later alternatives will most interest you.

1. Wash bedding weekly

If you’re spending a lot of time in one spot, it must be clean. We spend around seven hours in bed, sweating and accumulating dust and filth on our bodies. So why would you not want to maintain this place clean and hygienic?

Dust mites live, die, and multiply in your bedsheets, and one approach to prevent this small infestation is by using specific linen covers. These particular coverings contain narrow gaps between the threads, avoiding the collection of dead human skin cells that dust mites feed off. Another approach is washing bedding at high heat, destroying the dust mites lodged in the sheets.

2. Starve Them

It is not realistic to wash these goods every week in hot water when it comes to your pillows, mattress, and box spring. Because of their thickness, denaturing sprays and powders only have limited efficiency. Since it is difficult to eradicate mites and their allergens from your bed, you must establish a barrier between you and the mites.

You want to kill them, therefore do so in a way that will bring allergies relief. Put them to death through starvation. Thus, how are they to be starved? Cut off their food source. It is a completely natural method of eliminating dust mites and associated allergies. Protect your mattress, box spring, and pillows in unique zippered dust mite-proof coverings. It creates a barrier between you and the mites that is allergen-free.

Higher-quality covers will last you years, so avoid squandering money on low-quality ones. The inexpensive ones are only good for a year or two before they need to be replaced. Their food supply will be limited by their bed or pillow contents. They will slowly perish from malnutrition over the years. You will experience comfort from the first night you sleep with dust mite-resistant blankets. You will be protected against dust mites, shed body parts, and excrement.

3. Using hypoallergenic materials 

It is impossible to eliminate dust mites from a mattress. However, a hypoallergenic mattress and pillow, as well as a protective cover, significantly minimize them. Hypoallergenic bedding materials are made of tightly-woven fabric that is practically impenetrable to mites. Additionally, the impermeable material keeps moisture and dead skin out of your pillows and mattress, preventing dust mites from dwelling and reproducing in your bed.

Anti-allergen covers and protectors are less expensive than hypoallergenic mattresses and pillows. Like hypoallergenic mattresses and pillows, they operate as an impenetrable barrier to keep dust mites out and your body fluids and skin out of the mattress. Similarly, if dust mites or other allergens are present, the mattress protector keeps them from your sleeping zone.

4. Consider substituting a hard floor for your carpets.

While your new soft and comfy carpet may provide a sense of coziness to the space, it is the last thing you need if you suffer from dust mite allergies. As with beds, carpets act as a virtual magnet for dust mites and various other allergies. According to experts, carpets and area rugs trap the allergens found on concrete flooring a hundred times.

Contrary to what the Carpet and Rug Institute maintains, carpets do not trap certain allergens. When disturbed by even the smallest movement, they become airborne and circulate the space for a little while before resting on surfaces.

The high allergen content of carpets is detrimental to crawling newborns, who spend most of their time on the floor. One of the most effective strategies to eliminate dust mites in your house is to replace carpets with hard flooring completely or to have more hard floors than carpets. Try steam cleaning the carpets regularly, ideally monthly, a chemical-free dust mite allergy treatment can help reduce your allergic reactions.  

5. Freeze Dust Mites

Dust mites cannot live in excessive heat, and fortunately, they cannot survive in extreme cold. Put more delicate textiles or non-washable things, such as stuffed animals, silk, or lace, in a plastic bag and freeze for a day. It will kill them all, but it will not eliminate the allergy generated by their droppings, so take the objects outdoors and shake them thoroughly.

Author: Sheryl Wright

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