First off, the survey shows that global green building activity continues its ascent in the marketplace. USGBC recently announced the results of research by Dodge Data and Analytics, with which USGBC has partnered, in the World Green Building Trends 2018 SmartMarket Report.

Further, the survey shows that global green building activity continues its ascent.  That is with significant increases expected. All in 19 countries over the next several years. Almost half of the total respondents say they expect to build more than 60 percent of their projects as green buildings.

I mean and can you say by 2021? Building owners, especially, excited about the growth in green building. That’s with 57 percent planning to make most of their projects green by 2021.

Green Building Trends 2018 SmartMarket Report

Therefore, over the next three years expect green construction.  That’s right, survey respondents expect to steeply increase the percentage of their projects built green.

Build green global: ten greenest buildings

In addition, two-thirds said LEED allows them to create a better-performing building. More than half voted that rigorous third-party verification that ensures buildings run sustainably.


In conclusion, business benefits such as decreased operating costs are big. Like energy costs and water costs going down down down.  In addition, short payback periods and asset value increases are strong drivers of green building.

But most noteworthy, creating healthier indoor environments is also growing as a major motivator. Finally, the top triggers globally for green building activity are client demanded! Finally, then add environmental regulation and occupant health.

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